Hannah Gal – new Guest of Honour

I am pleased to announce a new Guest of Honour, Hannah Gal. Her documentary is titled, “Progressivism is destroying men, families, societies and civilization”, her details:

Hannah was inspired to create this documentary – which has its world premiere at this conference – by her interviews with the translator of Jordan Peterson’s books into Hebrew. The translator showed how Peterson’s narratives are supported by the ancient language. As an example Gever (man), Gibor (hero) and Lehitgaber (to overcome) – central to Peterson’s message, all derive from the same root. This links to the documentary’s premise that through the assault on masculinity and the weakening of men, progressivism is destroying men, families, societies and civilisation. The documentary will be submitted to film festivals after being shown here.

Hannah is a London-based journalist and filmmaker. Her credits include The SpectatorUnHerdQuilletteAdobeAppleThe CriticThe LotusEaters and The Jerusalem Post among others. Her Quillette articles were retweeted by Jordan Peterson and Christina Hoff Sommers.

Her documentaries have been screened on TV and in festivals worldwide including Berlin, NY, LA, Ann Arbor, Cannes and Edinburgh. She gave special director talks at Cannes and Brief Encounters. Her TV credits include BBC1 and Channel 4.

Hannah comments on culture and society – from men’s rights and the rise of woke, to free speech and interviews with leading influencers.

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